Fatigue Risk and Crew Strain Monitoring
Every flight operation is subject to intrinsic and extrinsic triggered crew fatigue and strain. To measure fatigue, avialytics’ dedicated mobile app lets crew members report their experienced fatigue in different flight phases and offers a test for objective fatigue-related performance through a psychomotor vigilance task, thereby minimizes negative effects on operations.

• App-based subjective fatigue reporting and objective vigilance testing
• Comprehensive visual overview through standard and operator-specific fatigue and strain indicators
• Integration of organizational, bio-mathematical and individual fatigue and strain measures
• Different scope and granularity of information to be utilized for crew planning and flight safety
• Customizable component of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
• Ability to capture experienced crew member fatigue in less than a minute

How it Works
- Operational data from Crew Planning and Flight Ops is transferred to avialytics’ Safety Information Repository (SIR) for reference
- (Pseudo-) anonymized crew information (rotation, training, On-Off duty, bio-mathematical fatigue calculation, roster robustness, etc.) is provided as additional input (CREW perspective)
- Real-time information (delays, diversions, WX, etc.) is used to supplement the data in the SIR.
- Crews interact with the system through the Fatigue Capture App which allows them to report their experienced fatigue on and offline for all their flight operations. The system can be configured to show or hide the bio-mathematical values for the particular flight. It can optionally be used for a customizable full scale fatigue report. A psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) feature is available to objectively measure fatigue related performance.
- Actual crew rest and functions performed (pilot flying / pilot monitoring) are integrated to capture a detailed analysis.
- A summarized big picture is calculated and visualized in avialytics’ dynamic FRMS & Crew Strain Monitoring Report.
Throughout the FRMS & Crew Strain Monitoring process, data from various sources like the avialytics’ airline information Repository (A.I.R) and the avialytics’ Fatigue Capture APP is collected and enriched. Bio-mathematical fatigue calculations are validated and calibrated with the fatigue experienced and captured by the crew member. For further analytics this data can be anonymized and transferred into a Safety Information Repository (S.I.R) to be evaluated in the context of Flight Data Monitoring data.
Fatigue Evaluation
The monthly duty roster of a crew member is presented through its bio-mathematical fatigue values. Individually experienced fatigue patterns, captured through the App as well as the outcome of PVTs are overlaid to display discrepancies.
Fatigue Evaluation
The monthly duty roster of a crew member is presented through its bio-mathematical fatigue values. Individually experienced fatigue patterns, captured through the App as well as the outcome of PVTs are overlaid to display discrepancies.
Performance Indicators
Performance Indicators and airline-specific indicators for a selected crew member are compared to overall company values and crews in the same function. Various chart types can be used for the different indicators to generate a meaningful overview.