
The aviaAgents extract and normalize data from various disparate source systems and feed the data into the aviaRepository.

  • Currently the following Data Capture Agents are available, with additional ones being added frequently.
    • Standard ACARS Messages
    • Customer specific ACARS Messages (e.g. Journey Log)
    • SITA Messages
    • Netline/OPS
    • Netline/Crew
    • MVT Messages
    • Loading information (CPM, LDM)
    • FuelPlus Dataexchange
    • Cosmic Radiation data
    • Crew planning
    • Resource tracking (duty, off, sick, proceeding, …)
    • Aircraft rotation
    • Finance data from SAP and Excel
    • Headcount
    • Finance planning
    • Jumpseater Management
    • Ticketing
    • Data capture web applications
    • Jettware ULD tracking
    • APIS information
    • DHS Confirmation Messages and master crew lists
    • Customer-specific data domains in Excel, CSV, XML and other data formats
    • Human interfaces data
The Information Providers link the aviaRepository to analysis and reporting tools as well as downstream operational systems.

  • Our Information Providers can deliver information to the following destinations, with more being developed.

    01_Excel Excel and Power Pivot
    02_CustSolution Custom Solutions
    (Jumpseater Tool / Infobox / Flight Safety Analyzer …)
    03_Reports Reports
    04_3rdPartyTools 3rd party tools
    05_Services Reporting Services
    06_SharePoint SharePoint Performance Point